Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Good Summer

“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well."
- George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows

       Summer 2014 is finishing well for me; the adventures in work, ministries, and various fun sundry activities from the past three months are all worthy to be recounted to future listening ears. Topping it off, in July I asked my beautiful girlfriend to marry me, and we are now counting down the days to our wedding (taking place July, 2015). Along with that, I started a new job teaching jr. high and high school science and Latin classes at a local Christian prep school. The doors the Lord has opened for me have been a great blessing, and I look forward to continuing the work of His Kingdom to the best of my ability.

       Meanwhile, I haven't been on my blog very much - or Facebook, or Twitter, or Youtube, for that matter. I've actually had a Bible review sitting in my drafts folder for the last month and a half, so I'll see about finishing that up soon. In the meantime, here is a quote to mull over from Tertullian, one of my favourite early church fathers:

"Christians are made, not born."

       Are we being fine craftsmen, fashioning and sharpening other Christians? Or are we just consumers, ingesting the nice parts of Christianity and ignoring its calls for a change of heart and of action?

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