Saturday, October 22, 2016

Tempus Fugit

       After a very long hiatus (of approximately 15+ months) I felt a longing to return to my blog. I've actually had numerous post ideas, and in fact have quite a few drafts sitting on the blog-burner. Unfortunately, whenever I got around to adding to them, I keep thinking "I could probably say what's in my head a better way tomorrow," and never went back to it. Time flies when you're a new husband! My wife and I have both had an extremely busy year, but God has richly blessed us in countless ways. In any case, I hope to start posting frequently - which honestly might only happen if I set a timer and agree that, after x amount of time, I will stop editing and just post what I wrote (since my personal editing process can be unending, as evidenced by several drafts that are more then two years old).

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